Bowtie Management Stategy

We understand the challenges you face and our team of expert consultants can help your business to develop a barrier based risk management strategy that integrates with your Safety Management System and existing processes.

We specialise in providing consulting services for the development and practical application of BowTie based risk assessments. This barrier based risk management tool is continuously gaining momentum.

Beyond the basics of how to carry out an effective BowTie based risk assessment, we work with clients to develop a strategy that will integrate this tool into their existing safety management practices in an efficient and informed way.

Helping clienst develop bowties

Barrier Based Management

Bowtie diagrams clearly display the links between the potential causes, preventative and mitigative controls and consequences.

Most risk assessments present a snapshot of the controls in place for a hazard at a particular moment in time. What is often missing is the link between the controls as they are today and the systems for ensuring they will continue to be effective tomorrow. Bowtie analysis can also be integrated with semi-quantitative analysis techniques such as Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA).

The success of the bowtie approach can be attributed to:

  • Clear communication and improved understanding - Visually illustrating the hazard, its causes and consequences, and the controls to minimize the risk, the bowtie can be readily understood at all levels.  Bowties keep sight of the big picture and can capture the sequence of events as well as previous incidents.
  • Greater ownership - Recognising that effective risk management is only possible if people are assigned responsibilities for controls. Bowtie workshops encourage participation and stimulate communication between key stakeholders.
  • Efficiency gains - Realising efficiency improvements through a number of different ways, for example: the method is less labour intensive than many other traditional techniques; it can reduce the volume of safety analysis - it is true that a picture paints a thousand words; and it provides a 'corporate memory' to avoid reinventing the wheel every few years.

We aid our clients in helping them identify their risks and examining their controls or safeguards through the preparation of bowtie diagrams. Bowtie diagrams are an excellent tool to display the causal sequences that could be a risk to the business and are often used to present the outputs from other risk studies. Our experienced facilitators will ensure that the bowtie diagrams are not excessively complex as this reduces the ability to be a visual representation of the risk being studied.

SMS and Safety Cases

All formal Safety Management Systems and Safety Cases require the provision of risk assessment techniques.

Risk assessments range from the quantitative calculations needed to determine the likelihood of a Temporary Refuge surviving an explosion, to the requirement that work teams about to undertake a task must assess the risks of carrying it out.

In a safe, healthy work environment your team will work with confidence, knowing they are well cared for. As a result you will experience high productivity and very limited down-time due to incidents or accidents. Work will be done efficiently while all necessary procedures will be followed to ensure safety.

Bow Tie Pro Limited is able to develop all or part of a Case. It should be remembered that though there are general principles in the development of a Safety Case, and a requirement for certain items to be contained there-in, the regulations are goal-setting so it is up the client how this is actually done.

Helping clienst develop bowties